The contest site comprises an area of approx. 1.18ha, at the corner of Vojvoda Mišić Boulevard and Woodrow Wilson Boulevard, within the urban block 29 defined by the Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose Area and Development of Part of Belgrade Coastal Area – the Riverside Area of the River Sava for the Project “Belgrade Waterfront” (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 7/15 and 48/22) (hereinafter referred to as: SPSPA BW).

The subject of the contest is architectural urban conceptual design of the new Nikola Tesla Museum, which includes:

1) reconstruction and change of use of the building of the former Milan Vapa’s Paper Mill, and
2) development of the access square with underground garage, which also includes free area around the complex.

The scope of the contest is defined by the public purpose building plot GP 29f and a part of the surrounding area, i.e a part of the building plot GP 29a, defined in SPSPA BW.

Figure 1. Contest site within

Figure 2. Ortophoto image with contest boundary

By SPSPA BW the building plot GP 29f is formed, out of the whole cadastral plot (c.p.) 10669 and a part of c.p.

11123/20 Cadastral Municipality (CM) Savski venac, on which the building of the former Milan Vapa’s Paper Mill is located, whereas a part of the building plot

GP 29a, within the contest scope, includes parts of c.p. 10663/1, 10666/1, 10668 and 11123/20 CM Savski venac. According to SPSPA BW, obligation to prepare an urban design is defined for block 29, while obligation to call public contest also is defined for c.p. 29f, before preparation of urban design.